My World

My World
The street on which I live.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

To blog, or not to blog. That is the question...

(Bleach fanart by:

You ever hear about the soulmate principle? No, not the one in L. J. Smith's teen fantasy series, "Night World", but the actual idea of soulmates? There's one story that goes that once, humans had two heads, two hearts, four legs, and four arms, and a whole soul. They were the happiest creatures on earth. The gods saw this and were jealous that they were so happy, so in anger, they split the humans, so they only had one head, one heart, two legs and two arms each, and only half a soul.

So humans were no longer truly happy any more, doomed to spend eternity trying to find the other half of their souls, following one another through all incarnations. But sometimes they do find their other half, and the humans are happy again, moving as one being.

Several times, I've seen the soulmate principle at work. I've seen people who, once they've found their mate, have become so attuned to them that they can feel emotions from miles away. I know a guy who had a dream his mate was in trouble, which woke him at two in the morning, only to find the next morning that she had developed a high fever and a terrible cough over night. It exists.

However, whilst the above story makes for a good explanation, it doesn't completely cover the idea of "soulmates". I classify soulmates as those who always meet in different lives. These can be friends, lovers, and even enemies. Those people who learn the lessons you do, albeit at different times and in different ways, who experience what you experience. I've met one. My best friend who, when I met her, spoke to me for all of five minutes, made me feel like I'd known her my whole life, and stopped me committing suicide that evening, simply because she'd told me she'd see me the next day.

Those we share eternity with are always around us. We just have to keep our eyes open. But I think the one we're always searching for is that person who has loved us through all our lives. And some people are lucky enough to find that person.

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