My World

My World
The street on which I live.

Wednesday, 04 April 2007

Rants of a Misused Neighbour

Some people are so inconsiderate. We all see them. People who cut in front of you in traffic, those who graffiti other people's walls and gates, some who steal the brass fixtures off of gravestones (I kid you not, I've seen it with my own eyes). But even then, it's not like you know these people, right? There's not much you can do except swear profusely, wish great ill on them, and move on with your life.

It's different when you live in the same space.

I live in a complex. Four double-story flats, all ajoined, but each with its own garden, separated by walls or fences. My family (in number 1) has been here the longest (five years tomorrow). Vern and Lenny, and their kids, Kerree and Miquel, at number 2 will have been here five years in August. The Walkers at number 3 have been there about... two and a half/three years, and Avesh, Jessica and baby Kiara at number 4 have been here for two and a bit. We all know each other, we get on well.

Except for the Walkers at number 3.

The Walkers at number 3 have two dogs. That, in itself, is not a problem. We love dogs. We have a dog, too. And two cats.

The problem begins shortly after the Walkers at number 3 moved in. Back then, they only had one dog, Goldie. He's beautiful, with a lovely nature. He's a chow-chow cross rough collie, so you know he's gorgeous. The problem is, Goldie barked. A lot. At three in the morning. This went on for about a year, before my dad threatened to get a court interdict to force them to shut their dog up, or at least let him sleep inside like ours does.

So they got a new dog, JJ, a daschhund. Now that he's not lonely at night, Goldie no longer barks.

JJ does.

But not often at night.

So, for a while, things settled down. Goldie was quiet at night, we were happy.

But the Walkers at number 3 are what're known as Inconsiderate People (as mentioned above). The Walkers at Number 3 don't walk their dogs. We have small yards. Ours is a bit bigger than theirs, for the simple fact that we don't have a garden overchoked by weeds as well as a giant shed taking up half the area.

Anyone who knows dogs, will know that working dogs such as collies, chow-chows, german shepherds and the like need lots of training and lots of walks for excercise.

Goldie doesn't get that.

So Goldie jumps over the fence into number 2's garden, which has at least twice as much space as number 3's and therefore must be far more appealing to a dog of Goldie's stature.

I've said before, Goldie is a big dog, and quite ferocious-looking. He's sweet natured though (And I only know this because I'm the one who usually has to get him back over the fence, because Vern and the kids are too scared of him). But still, this results in number 2's garden being destroyed, covered in dog shit and leaving the kids unable to play in their own yard for fear of Goldie coming over the fence.

And despite letters, despite pleas, despite chats to Brian, the Walkers' son who is my age and seems to have a better head on his shoulders than his parents, the Walkers at number 3, being Inconsiderate People (as mentioned above), refuse to do anything about it.

What do you do in a situation like that? We're dealing with people who are neglecting their dog, not picking up after him (you can smell the shit from their yard from ours), and letting him jump over a fence which they refuse to fix. What do you do? Vern said on Sunday that if that dog ever got over again, she would call the SPCA.

He jumped the fence again this morning. So she's carrying through with her threat. This means Goldie will very likely get taken from them, and because no one wants to adopt a big, adult dog, will probably be put down in the next few months.

A big, beautiful, lovely-natured dog, perfectly healthy.

Because people don't care.

Because people are so Damn Inconsiderate.

*End rant.*

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